The company gave a hint that another version is in process, however the information is limited. A design patent which was awarded yesterday to Google now shows how the next version will look like and that may have improved customer’s opinion. The designs were submitted almost a year ago in July 2014.

The original Google Glass had an uneven look to it, with the computer hanging over the right side of the device. It was pretty ugly, and invoked a fair amount of mockery. At the same time, glasses based on this design patent are not going to win many design awards. They look like a pair of pharmacy store reading glasses designed by Oakley. This design seems to resolve the unevenness of the original glasses. There is no assurance that this will be the final design of the best version of Glass. Google is still experimenting with it and patenting a variety of designs.

Google had a lot of cracks at trying to strike the right balance between fashion and functionality. The company did not comment on its plans for the next generation of Glass. Since the start of the year, however, Google has been awarded 45 design patents for different sections of “wearable display” devices. Google thinks that this patent which was approved in the month of March is the most satisfying group as it would appear to have no computer parts attached at all.