— ?? Owen in SF ?? (@ow) October 25, 2016 The MacBook Pro keyboard will come with a new so-called Magic Toolbar that is essentially a touchscreen letting you perform a wide variety of tasks, while also displaying information related to certain activities, such as Apple Pay. But although the addition of the Magic Toolbar is the most striking change, there’s also something a little bit unexpected. Notice the ESC key in the top left corner? Of course, you don’t, because the Escape key is not there anymore and, in fact, it’s no longer there on the keyboard. On closer obersavation you will find that Apple has removed the Escape key completely on the new MacBook Pro laptops. Oddly enough, there’s now a delete button in there, which is essentially the existing backspace but with a different name. The second button which is missed is Power button. The new keyboard has a Touch ID that’s placed right next to the OLED screen used by the Magic Toolbar. This will help Macbook Pro users in loging into the OS as well as authenticating Apple Pay payments. However, the traditional Power button is missing. It is now clear whether Macbook Pro users have to use Touch ID or a different way to turn on the laptop. Additionally, Apple has also added the MacBook Pro designation at the bottom of the display, most likely in order to make the device stand out, but it remains to be seen if all models will come with similar branding or not. There are also rumors that the new MacBook Pro could remove standard USB ports and SD card support. This would be painful even for most hardcore Apple fanboys. The iPhone 7 was panned by purists for its jackless feature though it managed to be a hit for Apple. It remains to be seen, how Apple fanboys and laptop buyers take on to the new Esc, Power, USB and SD Card support less Macbook Pros.