One of the key metrics many users are interested in is the number of views their videos receive.  Instagram’s official policy is that view counts are only visible to the person who posted the video.  Learn whether users can see who viewed their Instagram videos and if there are other ways tо track video views on the platform.  Discuss the potential dangers of using third-party apps to track video views and take alternative methods for measuring the success of an Instagram video.

Instagram’s Official Policy

Instagram’s official view-count policy is that only the person who posted the video can see the number оf views it has received.  This means that if you post a video, you can see how many views it has received, but other users will not.  Instagram does not provide a way for users to see who viewed their videos, and there is no public view count feature available on the platform.  It is because Instagram’s main focus is оn engagement, not just on views, as engagement is a better indicator of the success of a post or video.  Instagram does provide some insights and analytics on the performance of your post, like reach, engagement rate, and demographics of the audience.  With these insights, you can see how your content is performing and who is engaging with it, which can help you make more informed decisions about your content strategy.  Instagram has also made it clear that using third-party apps to track views is a violation of their terms of service and can result in account suspension or termination.  Be aware of the potential risks of using these apps and rely on Instagram’s own analytics instead.

Third-Party Apps

Despite Instagram’s official policy, some third-party apps allow users to track who has viewed their videos.  These apps typically ask for access to your Instagram account and then claim to provide detailed information about who has viewed your videos. Using third-party apps to track video views can bе dangerous for several reasons.  These apps may not be accurate and may provide false information about who has viewed your videos.  Many apps will ask for access to your Instagram account, which can put your personal information and account security at risk. You can also put your account in violation of Instagram’s terms of service, which can result in account suspension or termination. Since the app is not officially from Instagram, it may use methods against Instagram’s policy, resulting in account termination.

Alternatives to Tracking Video Views

While it may be tempting to track who has viewed your Instagram videos, there are other methods for measuring the success of your content that can provide more valuable insights:


While it may be tempting to track who has viewed your Instagram videos, it’s impossible to do it with Instagram’s official platform.  Instead, it’s best to focus on engagement metrics, using Instagram’s built-in analytics, monitoring overall account growth, testing different videos, and tracking website traffic from Instagram.  Using third-party apps to track views can be dangerous and put your account at risk. Engagement is a better indicator of the success of a post or video rather than just views.

Can You See Who Viewed Your Instagram Video - 83Can You See Who Viewed Your Instagram Video - 43Can You See Who Viewed Your Instagram Video - 83Can You See Who Viewed Your Instagram Video - 21Can You See Who Viewed Your Instagram Video - 95Can You See Who Viewed Your Instagram Video - 23Can You See Who Viewed Your Instagram Video - 57Can You See Who Viewed Your Instagram Video - 56Can You See Who Viewed Your Instagram Video - 26