The draft law will introduce rules that will allow schools to to carry out background checks on the students search history and social media activity. It goes as far as to allow examiners to examine a student’s laptop log files and more when deemed necessary. The proposal has already been forwarded for further consideration. We should note however, that schools cannot force each and every student to hand over their personal laptops for examination instead, student have to give their consent before their laptops can be examined. To get around this, schools will be allowed to enforce strict penalties on students who refuse to provide consent – from having their machines confiscated to even being expelled – thereby giving students little choice. The rules have received a fair amount of backlash from both students and teachers with many terming the rules an unfair invasion of an individual’s privacy – an inference agreed to by The chairman of the Danish High School Association, Jens Philip Yazdani. Further support against the implementation on these rules has come from the chairman of the IT Political Association, Jesper Lund, and law professor Sten Schaumburg-Müller from the University of Southern Denmark. Sources: Geek Reply