This error can be frustrating, but the good news is that it is often a simple fix.  Explore the causes of this error, provide solutions, and get back to using Instagram in no time. What a CSRF token is, and why it’s important? CSRF, or Cross-Site Request Forgery, is a security measure implemented by many websites to prevent unauthorized actions on a user’s account.  A CSRF token is a unique code generated by the website and sent to the user’s browser. When the user attempts to take action, such as logging in, the website compares the token sent by the browser with the one it generated to ensure that the request is legitimate. If there is a mismatch, the website will return the error message “CSRF Token Missing or Incorrect.”

Causes of the Error

There are several common causes of Instagram’s “CSRF Token Missing or Incorrect” error. One of the most frequent causes is the presence of old cookies and cache in the user’s browser. These can interfere with the generation and validation of CSRF tokens, resulting in an error message. Another possible cause is the use of a proxy server. A user accessing Instagram through a proxy server can also cause issues with the CSRF token validation. Third-party browser extensions can also cause the error. Instagram’s security measures may not bе able to validate the CSRF token if a user has an extension that modifies or blocks requests. If the user is logged into Instagram on multiple devices or browsers, this could also cause аn error. Instagram may detect that the CSRF token is invalid because it was generated on a different device.

Solutions to Fix the Error

Here are some solutions that can help fix the “CSRF Token Missing or Incorrect” error on Instagram: Method 1: Clearing browser cookies and cache Step 1: Open your browser and go to the settings menu.  Step 2: Locate the option for clearing your browser’s history and cookies.  Step 3: Select the option tо clear cookies and cache.  Step 4: Close your browser and reopen it.  Step 5: Try logging in to Instagram again.   Method 2: Disabling the proxy server Step 1: Go to your computer’s network settings.  Step 2: Locate the option to disable the proxy server.  Step 3: Attempt logging in to Instagram again.   Method 3: Disabling third-party browser extensions Step 1: Open your browser and go tо the settings menu.  Step 2: Locate the option for managing extensions or add-ons.  Step 3: Disable any extensions that may be causing issues with Instagram’s security measures.  Step 4: Close your browser and reopen it. Step 5: Log in to Instagram again.   Method 4: Logging out and log back into Instagram Step 1: Log out your Instagram account on all devices and browsers.  Step 2: Wait a few minutes before trying to log back in.  Step 3: Try logging in tо Instagram again.   Method 5: Contacting Instagram Support Step 1: Go to Instagram’s help center and select the option to report a problem.  Step 2: Provide details about the error you are receiving and any troubleshooting steps you have already tried.  Step 3: Wait for Instagram’s support team to respond with further instructions or a resolution.


The “CSRF Token Missing or Incorrect” error on Instagram can be caused by various factors, including old browser cookies and cache, the use оf a proxy server, and third-party browser extensions.  These issues can often be resolved by clearing your browser’s cookies and cache, disabling your proxy server, disabling third-party browser extensions, logging out and logging back into Instagram, or contacting Instagram support.  Resolve the error and get back to using Instagram in no time.

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