Facebook’s latest News Feed tweak and how to get the best out of itClick “Like” and comment more oftenPost news articles yourselfVisit Page or Profile of your friends and followers

How will this affect you? In this article we will tell you how to see the posts you like on your Facebook timeline. Facebook has once again tweaked the formula it uses to decide what people will see in their news feed — and this time, it’s personal. Facebook says it updated the news feed so that people will see more posts from their friends and family and not, say, the New York Times or Buzzfeed. Facebook had last tweaked its news feed in 2014 to clamp down on clickbait posts with grabby headlines. Now it has again tweaked it so you can see a lot more posts from your interactions rather than publishers. In case you wondered how you will get the news you desire in face of the changes in Facebook algorithm. Here are some tricks to get the best out of Facebook.

Click “Like” and comment more often

Facebook likes your ‘Like’ and comments. The social media giant wants to know you engage with the content, and that’s the best way to show it. If you indulge in more likes and comments, Facebook will show you more of the same that you liked or commented on.

Post news articles yourself

Perhaps the best way of getting the news feed you want is to post news articles yourself. Your friends will get to continue seeing them if you generate them.

Visit Page or Profile of your friends and followers

You can also visit a Page or Profile and make sure you’re listed as a follower or friend. That will keep the content moving. It’s in Facebook’s best interest to show its more than 1 billion daily users stuff that will keep them interested, and keep them coming back. To that end, the company says it surveys tens of thousands of users each day to get a more complete picture of what people want to see in their feeds. So ultimately, Facebook want you to decide what you want to see and the methods given above are the best way to achieve it.