A hacker group named OurMine Team with 41,000 followers on Twitter have claimed to have gained access of Zuckerberg’s Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest and Instagram account on Sunday. However, the group left his Facebook page intact. He has become the latest high-profile victim of an embarrassing hack attack. OurMine is reportedly a group of teenage hackers based in Saudi Arabia. The group claimed responsibility for the high-profile hacking in a tweet and invited Mr Zuckerberg to contact them.

“Hey @finkd we got access to your Twitter & Instagram & Pinterest, we are just testing your security, please dm us.” The team also wrote from Zuckerberg’s Twitter page. “Hey @finkd, you were in Linkedin Database with the password ‘dadada’ !” On the other hand, on his Pinterest, the new title was “Hacked by OurMine Team.”

In a deleted tweet, the group claimed it also breached Zuckerberg’s Instagram — which Facebook owns — claiming it was “just testing your security.” Zuckberg’s Twitter account, which had not been active since 2012, was briefly taken offline but later returned with the tweets from the alleged hackers having been deleted. The OurMine Twitter account has since been suspended and Zuckerberg’s Pinterest page has been restored. While the group claimed to have hacked Zuckerberg’s Instagram account @zuck, there is no evidence that the page was breached. Using Zuckerberg’s Twitter account, the hackers announced that they accessed his accounts because they found his password “dadada” in the details of stolen LinkedIn accounts of more than 164 million people that were leaked online last month. The hacker group also bragged about breaching into several high-profile accounts on its now-suspended Twitter, including Bill Gates. Zuckerberg is the latest in a rash of recent celebrity hacks. This isn’t the only high-profile leak with Tenacious D’s Twitter falling victim to a death hoax on Sunday. Also, recently artist Katy Perry’s Twitter account was hacked as well. If the hackers claim is true, Zuckerberg seems to have broken the golden rule of passwords: never use a password more than once. Zuckerberg went with a ultra insecure password ‘dadada’ even when security experts preach us to use high security passwords. Perhaps Zuckerberg went with “dadada” because it reminded him of the first few notes of the Thunderbirds theme, or a trumpet call, or the 1982 hit by German band Trio “Da Da Da I Don’t Love You You Don’t Love Me Aha Aha Aha”. Or maybe the guy just has daddy issues. Poor passwords are one of the major reasons for data breaches. A Scottish student announced last week he hacked into North Korea’s version of Facebook using the password “password”. When asked for comments Twitter declined to comment while Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram and LinkedIn are yet to respond.

Mark Zuckerberg s Pinterest  LinkedIn and Twitter accounts Hacked   TechWorm - 72Mark Zuckerberg s Pinterest  LinkedIn and Twitter accounts Hacked   TechWorm - 8