Hacktivist collective Anonymous Antisec division earlier today hacked and defaced Chinese Government websites under Operation #OpHKAnonymous not the only one’s targeting Chinese Government websites!!!
Anonymous earlier today hacked and defaced many Hong Kong based websites including few of the Chinese Government websites. The below mentioned Government websites of China was hacked and defaced by the hackers collective today. https://www.tielingws.gov.cn/ https://www.bys.gov.cn/index.html https://www.tongcheng.jcy.gov.cn/Xnitro.html https://qxj.km.gov.cn/hector.html Database of www.gyx.gov.cn was also leaked on pastebin
Message on one of the deface page read,
Anonymous not the only one’s targeting Chinese Government websites!!!
For the Cyber-war which has been called upon by Anonymous, this is just the beginning. Hackers from different Groups have already joined hands and started taking part in the operation dubbed under #OpHK, #OperationHongKong, #OpHongKong. Peace will not be silenced by fear We are here to expect more Report suggests more than hundreds of Hong Kong based website have already been hacked and defaced within the last few days under the Operation HongKong, while several hundred other were brought down via DDoS attacks by other hacker groups in support of the pro-democracy protests going on in Hong Kong. Major sites which were hacked and DDoSed include https://moj.gov.cn/ https://police.gov.hk/ and https://www.mps.gov.cn/, two of these websites are yet to recover from the DDoS campaign against them. “The war has just began”, we are watching you, one of the Anonymous activist told Techworm, addressing the protestors, the spokesperson said, “Protesters of Hong Kong you are not alone, we are always with you.” At the time of writing this article all websites were still showing the defaced page.