The platform has its unique language and culture, with many users incorporating acronyms and shorthand into their messages and snaps. One such acronym that you may have come across is “WYLL.”  But what exactly does it mean?  Discover the meaning and usage of “WYLL” on Snapchat and provide real-life examples of how it’s used on the platform.  Take a look at the history of “WYLL” and how its meaning and usage have evolved over time. 

The Meaning of WYLL on Snapchat

One of the unique aspects of Snapchat is the use of acronyms and shorthand in messages and snaps. One such acronym that has gained popularity on the platform is “WYLL.” But what exactly does it stand for?  To answer that question, we need to delve into the world of Snapchat language and culture. WYLL stands for “What You Looking Like.”  It is often used as a way to ask someone what they look like or what they are wearing. A Snapchat user might send a message to a friend saying, “WYLL today?” to ask what they look like that day.  This can be especially useful when trying to coordinate a meeting in person or just checking in on a friend. The meaning and usage of “WYLL” can vary depending on the context and tone in which it’s used. In some cases, it might be used аs a simple question, while in other cases, it could be used as a playful оr flirtatious way to start a conversation. Examples of How WYLL is Used on Snapchat Here are a few scenarios in which a Snapchat user might use the acronym:

Sending a message to a friend to see what they’re wearing for a night out Asking a crush how they look before a date Using it as a playful way tо start a conversation with a new friend

In each of these scenarios, the context and tone in which “WYLL” is used can greatly influence its meaning. 

Examples of How WYLL is Used on Snapchat

  1. Asking about someone’s appearance before a night out:

    Step 1: Open Snapchat and start a message with a friend. Step 2: Type the message “WYLL tonight?“ Step 3: Send the message to your friend.

  2. Checking in on a friend:

    Step 1: Open Snapchat and start a message with a friend. Step 2: Type the message “Hey! WYLL today?“ Step 3: Send the message to your friend.

  3. Starting a playful conversation with a crush:

    Step 1: Open Snapchat and start a message with a crush. Step 2: Type the message “WYLL today? You look great in every picture I’ve seen 😊“ Step 3: Send the message to your crush.

In each of these examples, “WYLL” serves as a tool for asking about someone’s appearance, but its meaning and usage can vary depending on the context and tone in which it’s used. 

The History of WYLL on Snapchat

The use of acronyms and shorthand has always been a part of the unique language and culture оf Snapchat. “WYLL” is no exception and has a history of its own on the platform. It’s unclear exactly when “WYLL” first started appearing on Snapchat, but it has been a commonly used acronym for several years now. Over time, its meaning and usage have evolved and expanded, reflecting the changing dynamics and culture of the platform. In the early days of Snapchat, “WYLL” was primarily used as a straightforward question about someone’s appearance. As the platform grew and evolved, so did the meaning and usage of “WYLL.”  It now serves as a versatile tool for asking about someone’s appearance, starting a conversation, оr making a playful or flirtatious remark.


What You Looking Like, or “WYLL,” is a popular Snapchat abbreviation. The question’s meaning and tone shift depending on the situation in which it is asked. The app’s “WYLL” feature may be used for various purposes, such as checking out a friend’s outfit before a night out or striking up a lighthearted conversation with a crush. When interacting in the Snapchat community, you must know what “WYLL” means and how it is used.

What Does  WYLL  Mean On Snapchat - 78What Does  WYLL  Mean On Snapchat - 8What Does  WYLL  Mean On Snapchat - 41What Does  WYLL  Mean On Snapchat - 80What Does  WYLL  Mean On Snapchat - 66What Does  WYLL  Mean On Snapchat - 88What Does  WYLL  Mean On Snapchat - 89What Does  WYLL  Mean On Snapchat - 66What Does  WYLL  Mean On Snapchat - 85What Does  WYLL  Mean On Snapchat - 61